Deutsche Version
Spring 2015

Und täglich grüßt das Grauen - von Zombies, Vampiren und anderen Kuscheltieren

Youth dance project in Landau i.d. Pfalz

During four month, 13 girls and one boy, aged between 10 and 24, had regular dance training with Hip Hop instructor Jenny Zwing (dance school "Dance your life"), singing lessons with Anna Weiss (artistic director of Musical tonight), and four intensive week ends when contemporary dancer and choreographer Dorothea Eitel joined in for the performance.

Together with the team of instructors, the youngsters developed for the theme of their choice a 90 minutes performance. They even met outside the course hours to devise their own choreographies, which were overseen by Jenny Zwing.

Besides scary, colorful, unshaped monsters, elegant vampires, tottering zombies and horror puppets, which came to life, also angels and superman, as saviours entered the stage.

The project aimed at picking up the youngsters in their environment using Hip Hop and their favorite songs in order to make them gently discover the new ground contemporary dance.

The participants agreed on a continuation of the project. A sequel in a new format, starting in autumn or winter 2015, is in its planning stage.

The project has been realized through federal funding from the program "Chance Tanz" and through funding from "Kultur macht stark - Bündnisse für Bildung".
Its initiator kunstbereit e.V. has made it possible with support from Förderverein Gloria Kulturpalastes, dance school Dance your Life, Ensemble Musical tonight and the dance company urbanReflects.


